benchclients Overview


A simple, low-dependency Python library with clients for calling the Conbench API and potentially other APIs in the Conbench ecosystem


The benchclients package can be installed from PyPI with

pip install benchclients

or direct from GitHub with

pip install benchclients@git+

or with your preferred environment management system. Package code should rarely change, and the number of dependencies should remain very minimal.


The package is structured such that all users should need is client classes that it exposes. As of writing, there is only one such useful class: benchclients.ConbenchClient. However, clients for other APIs can easily be created by inheriting from the benchclients.BaseAdapter class, which defines core methods for making HTTP requests (e.g. .get(), .post(), etc.) set up to handle retries and logging and so on.


Environment variables

Configuration and credentials for ConbenchClient can be handled by three environment variables set before class instantiation:

  • CONBENCH_URL: The URL of the Conbench server. Required.

  • CONBENCH_EMAIL: The email to use for Conbench login. Only required for GETting if the server is private.

  • CONBENCH_PASSWORD: The password to use for Conbench login. Only required for GETting if the server is private.

Alternatively, you can instantiate the client with the url, email, and password keyword arguments - like:

conbench = ConbenchClient(url="",

If environment variables are set before instantiation, or the keyword arguments are used, ConbenchClient will handle auth, so users can get right to making requests:

import logging
import os

from benchclients import ConbenchClient, log

os.environ["CONBENCH_URL"] = ""

conbench = ConbenchClient()

benchmark_result_id = "4e0e569d82724667b3e929dedb730edc"
res = conbench.get(f"/benchmarks/{benchmark_result_id}")
#> DEBUG [2023-02-10 12:56:48,492] GET

#> {'batch_id': '746e76a30fbf4bb0bf91bde369b76f3a-1n',
#>  'change_annotations': {},
#>  'error': None,
#>  'id': '4e0e569d82724667b3e929dedb730edc',
#>  'links': {'context': '',
#>   'info': '',
#>   'list': '',
#>   'run': '',
#>   'self': ''},
#>  'optional_benchmark_info': {},
#>  'run_id': '746e76a30fbf4bb0bf91bde369b76f3a',
#>  'stats': {'data': [0.693055, 0.69691, 0.702238],
#>   'iqr': 0.004591,
#>   'iterations': 3,
#>   'max': 0.702238,
#>   'mean': 0.697401,
#>   'median': 0.69691,
#>   'min': 0.693055,
#>   'q1': 0.694982,
#>   'q3': 0.699574,
#>   'stdev': 0.004611,
#>   'time_unit': 's',
#>   'times': [],
#>   'unit': 's',
#>   'z_improvement': False,
#>   'z_regression': True,
#>   'z_score': -14.600706547691335},
#>  'tags': {'cpu_count': None,
#>   'engine': 'arrow',
#>   'format': 'native',
#>   'id': '4193bedfc281454f87f6e045019fedfa',
#>   'language': 'R',
#>   'memory_map': False,
#>   'name': 'tpch',
#>   'query_id': 'TPCH-13',
#>   'scale_factor': 1},
#>  'timestamp': '2023-02-10T09:17:18Z',
#>  'validation': None}